Joel's Pictures
African Buffalo
A small herd of African Buffalo - Sun 09 Aug 2009 07:59:09 AM
The buffalo is one of "The Big Five" - the 5 most dangerous safari animals. Buffalo are unpredictable, and can go from eating grass to charging with no warning. - Sun 09 Aug 2009 08:00:46 AM
Our Ranger, Gavin, said the buffalo is the most dangerous of the Big 5 because it's so unpredictable. Sometimes, a charging buffalo will appear to give up and go the other way, but is actually making a wide circle to attack from the opposite direction. -
Both males & females have horns, but the males' horns meet on top of their heads to form a helmet. This is a male. -
A lone male buffalo, if separated from the herd, is particularly dangerous. Apparently being kicked out of the group makes them quite grumpy. -
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