Joel's Pictures
Disney World with John and Josh
Riding the Train
Joel, John, Josh, Janis, Rebecca, Leah, and Jilllian wait for the train. -
This is the life, eating frozen lemonade in my stroller at Disney World -
The turnstile is more difficult to navigate when you're holding frozen lemonade -
Not sure if John even got to taste the frozen lemonade -
Rebecca -
Jillian -
aad -
Silly girl! -
Josh studies his spinning Mickey Mouse lolllipop. -
Why hasn't the train arrived yet? -
Rebecca looks like she knows a secret -
Jillian holds her golden ticket. The conductor gave all the kids golden tickets before boarding the train. Those tickets were a big hit! -
Janis & Rebecca with her golden ticket -
Rebecca and Gran -
Yum! These golden tickets are delicious! -
Josh in his hat -
Goofing off for the camera, golden ticket in hand -
Happy to be on the train -
Jillian & Leah on the train -
Rebecca -
aar -
aas -
aat -
Doing my best to drink out of Mommy's water bottle -
Josh & Uncle Joel sport their hats & sunglasses -
Josh & John -
aax -
Who are you??? -
Havin' fun -
aba -
abb -
abc -
It's been a long day, starting to get tired... -
Josh & John watch the scenery -
A very silly Josh sprays himslef with the water fan. John cracks up. -
What? What's so funny? -
No, he hasn't been crying. He's sprayed himself with the water fan until he's dripping wet! -
Josh enjoyed the train ride -